Captain America's Bicentennial Battles (1976 Marvel Treasury Special)

Captain America's Bicentennial Battles (1976 Marvel Treasury Special)

Famous First Edition C-26 A ACTION COMICS 1 (1974-5) OVERSIZED

Famous First Edition C-26 A ACTION COMICS 1 (1974-5) OVERSIZED

Superman DC Treasury C-31 (1974) LIMITED COLLECTORS EDITION

Availability: Out of stock
"Europe at War" Reprinted from Action Comics #22 "The Superman Puzzle Game" "The Life Insurance Scam" Reprinted from Action Comics #29 "How to Draw Superman and Clark Kent" "The Men Who Had to Guard Superman" Reprinted from Superman (Vol 1) #60 "Lois Lane's Secret Helper Reprinted from Superman (Vol 1) #142 "Starring... Superman" Cartoon Flips "The Case of the Lethal Letters" Reprinted from Superman (Vol 1) #204 "The Origin of Superman!" Pin-up page with photos of Superman on TV and in the movies Also includes a pin-up page of a futuristic Superman theme park and a cut-out tabletop diorama.
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