In Rolling Realms, players compete to earn the most stars in a series of minigames over 3 rounds This is a roll-and-write game, meaning that players will write on the game components using dry-erase markers Each turn, one player rolls 2 dice, and all players use the dice results on their realm cards to generate resources and earn stars Rolling Realms plays with 1-6 players out of the box, but you can combine multiple copies to play with any number of players It can easily be played remotely over video-conference, as only 1 player needs to roll the dice
From the creator of Wingspan For 1-6 Players, 30 minute playing time 2 big custom dice a roll-and-write game, meaning that players will write on the game components using dry-erase markers It can easily be played remotely over video-conference, as only 1 player needs to roll the dice