Dungeons & Dragons: Idols of the Realms 2D Set - Goblinoids

Dungeons & Dragons: Idols of the Realms 2D Set - Goblinoids

Dungeons & Dragons: W21 Glabrezu

Dungeons & Dragons: W21 Glabrezu

Dungeons & Dragons: Idols of the Realms 2D Set - Wizards & Warriors

Availability: Out of stock
Introducing an all new set of 2D miniatures by WizKids! These 2D minis are an inexpensive way to gain a huge assortment of miniatures and are designed to support a variety of adventures! Idols of the Realms: Wizards & Warriors - 2D Set collects an assortment of characters representing the core playable classes of D&D. Use these figures as player characters or Non-player characters in your games. This set contains: Male Dwarf Fighter, Female Dwarf Fighter, Male Human Fighter, Female Elf Fighter, Male Dragonbron Paladin, Female Dragonborn Paladin, Male Halfling Rogue, Female Halfling Rogue, Male Elf Ranger, Female Elf Ranger, Male Human Cleric, Female Human Cleric, Male Tiefling Sorcerer, Female Tiefling Sorcerer, Female Elf Wizard, Male Elf Wizard, Male Gnome Wizard, Female Gnome Wizard, Male Human Warlock, Female Human Warlock, Female Half-Orc Barbarian, Male Half-Orc Barbarian, Female Half-Elf Bard, Male Half-Elf Bard. Check out other items in Goblinoids & Wizards and Warriors 2D: 94523 - D&D Idols of the Realms: Goblinoids – 2D Set 94524 - D&D Idols of the Realms: Wizards & Warriors – 2D Set.