by Judd Winick
What's more fun than a barrel full of monkeys? Why, Barry Ween, of course! For the uninitiated, Barry Ween is the smartest boy the world has ever seen. There's just one problem. No one can know. If word got out about his big brain it could land Barry, his family, and his best friend Jeremy (his sole confidant) in a heap of trouble. But when you're a boy genius, keeping the 'rents, the government, and the public at large in the dark is easier said than done! Mutated baby-sitters, talking gorillas, and a strangely familiar warrior woman from another dimension all put Barry's massive intellect to the test and make his big secret that much harder to keep! Gorilla Warfare collects issues #4-6 of the recent Monkey Tales mini-series, and faces the foul-mouthed ten-year-old off against his biggest challenge yet, with hilarious results! SC, 7x10, 96pg, b&w